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Dental Emergencies are unpredictable, unfortunate, and sometimes a terrible part of life. For example, a person may bite a carrot and suddenly break a tooth, which affects the smile's appearance. However, most dental emergencies have pain, and toothache is the primary symptom that patients complain about and experience. In addition, it can disrupt sleep, daily activities and even missing work.
Contact us at Spinel Dental Clinic in Hamilton and book your appointment If you need any Emergency Dental Services.

We are serving HAMILTON, ON for
Are you in an unbearable toothache?
Have you lost a tooth?
Do you have a loose tooth?
Do you have a severe abscess or infection?
Is your mouth bleeding?
Did you get tooth sensitivity?
In general, any dental complaint that requires immediate care to save a tooth, stop bleeding and relieve the pain is evaluated in a Dental Emergency. However, don’t ignore Tooth pain, as it can indicate a severe issue such as a dental or gum infection. Untreated infections can be life-threatening.
If you feel you need an Emergency Dentist visit, like having a Toothache, Dental Abscess, Gum Bleeding or any other type of dental emergency needs, we can help you.
At Spinel Dental, we provide Emergency Dental Care in Hamilton, ON area.

Emergency Dental Services in Hamilton, ON
Our Hamilton Mountain dental office offers comprehensive and compassionate emergency dental care.
At Spinel Dental, we also offer sedation dentistry treatment options such as Laughing Gas for patients with dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry can help patients control their fear to receive the proper emergency care they need to achieve their healthy and beautiful smiles.
Examination of the affected teeth or injured area
Provide restorative services for damaged teeth
A comprehensive treatment plan to restore the smile
Root Canal Treatment
What can I do to get rid of TOOTH PAIN and make a TOOTHACHE go away?
The Toothache is often hard to ignore if it is a sharp pain and sudden or dull and constant. The Source of the Tooth Pain is an affected nerve, so tooth pain also is caused when any nerve in the root of a tooth or other tissues around the teeth are damaged or irritated. Dental infection, trauma, injury, decay, growing infant teeth, surgical procedures in the oral area (Dental extractions, etc.), or tooth loss may be the causes of the dental pain.
Sometimes, Dental Pain originates from other areas of the head and neck, radiates to the jaw, and mimics Toothache. The jaw joint (TMJ Temporomandibular Joint), pains related to the ear, sinuses associated problems are the most causes of those pains; occasionally, in some cases, heart problems also may have symptoms like tooth pain.
The oral cavity is full of Bacteria. Growing bacteria eventually due to poor oral health inside the mouth can impact the normal bacterial flora and slowly cause oral soft tissue(gum disease) and dental decay, which can cause pain. But not all the time; they are associated with pain.
The majority of dental problems can be prevented by maintaining proper oral health like flossing, brushing with appropriate toothpaste, and the most important to do professional teeth scaling and cleaning at least twice a year. It is also critical for children which The dentist may apply sealants and fluoride for those ages.
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What are the Main Causes of Toothache?
When the pulp of the tooth, which is the central section of the tooth, gets inflammation, we feel tooth pain. The dental pulp contains live structures like vessels and nerves sensitive to pain. Inflammation of the pulp of the tooth is called pulpitis.
The reasons for pulpitis are dental cavities, trauma, and infection. In addition, jaw referred pains may cause to have symptoms of a toothache.
The first step toward relief and finding the solution is to find out the cause and what is wrong.
Our dentists at Spinel Dental Hamilton can help you to get rid of tooth pain.

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in our Hamilton emergency dental clinic
Ignoring DENTAL EMERGENCIES and leaving them untreated may put your dental or overall health at risk. To ensure you get proper care and prevent possible permanent damages to your teeth or gums, seek immediate help if you're experiencing any type of the dental emergency signs and symptoms.
Why did my teeth suddenly become sensitive?

The external layer of the tooth is called Dental Enamel, a hard shell that covers and protects other parts of the tooth and especially live parts of that like nerves and vessels. The dental enamel may wear out due to many reasons over time.
If the enamel wears away, the lower layer of the tooth, called Dentine, will be exposed. Exposing Dentine makes dental nerves be stimulated to anything drunk or eaten by the person. In this situation, Tooth Sensitivity happens; people may feel discomfort or pain after eating or drinking cold and hot foods also acidic foods may worsen the scenario.
In advance, oral soft tissue disease known as Gum disease or gingivitis disease with different mechanisms cause Sensitive teeth; the main one is that the gums shrink away or recede from the tooth, which can cause exposure of sensitive dental roots. On the other hand, bacterial overgrowth related to gum disease makes the area's pH drop (Lower pH means more acidic). This imbalance can worsen the sensitivity and damage the tooth's anatomy.
In addition, improper dental brushing techniques and abrasive toothpaste can damage gums in the long term.
Some people may feel tooth sensitivity for a few weeks after their Dental scaling and professional cleaning session or after the restorative dental filling procedures.
Teeth whitening treatments may also cause tooth sensitivity. Loose old dental fillings and damaged restoration procedures can trigger it, too.
DENTAL EMERGENCIES are extraordinarily disturbing, and they can be intolerable and painful, depending on the reason. At SPINEL DENTAL HAMILTON, our skilled and expert dentists and dental team can fix and help you relieve the pain and bring back your BEAUTIFUL SMILE!
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What are the causes of the tooth damage?

Two significant situations can cause dental injury; the first is Mechanical Damages which causes Wearing Teeth, Broken Tooth and Cracks in the tooth; those mechanical damages may vary from a tiny micro-crack to a wholly broken tooth.
Mechanical Damages have two categories:
Attrition: Teeth contact each other, causing wear.
Abrasion: hard and rough materials rub against teeth, removing enamel.
Bruxism, Dental Misalignment, and Wisdom Tooth are samples of Attrition.
Trauma to the jaw like punching to the face, Hard foods like a sudden cherry pit bit down, or sands in unwashed vegetables can cause Abrasion.
Another cause of the damage to the teeth is Chemical Damages which is also called Erosion.
Many of the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that we consume regularly are acidic beverages and potentially can damage the teeth. Wines and Sparkling beverages, for example, are highly acidic, as are some fruit juices. However, the major destructive acidic drinks are sodas and sports drinks. The low pH of these drinks, combined with a propensity to consume them in large quantities, makes them a solid source of tooth erosion.
Another internal disease like GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) can cause significant teeth erosion when stomach acids pass to the upper alimentary tract during sleep. These digestive acids can be highly damaging for all hard and soft tissues like teeth and gums. This type of Erosion tends to start with the back teeth, but it can ultimately affect your entire mouth.
A cavity or a crack on the tooth can cause sharp pain and sensitivity after any bite down. The longer the pain remains, the more serious the damage to the tooth is likely to be.
If the cavity or crack is deep enough, it can let bacteria move into the inner layer, called the tooth's pulp. In this situation, the pulp can become infected.
After a pulp infection, it may cause a dental abscess. That abscess is local at the beginning, but if left untreated, it can spread to other tissues surrounding the tooth and bones, which may cause severe problems like Osteomyelitis.
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DENTAL EMERGENCIES Are not predictable, they can happen any time during 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
If you are seeking an emergency dental clinic in Hamilton, ON, but getting immediate care is not possible, there would be some tips you can follow to help manage the situation temporarily. If you feel there is an emergency dental situation, call or text our dental office in Hamilton, ON today.
What symptoms are associated with Toothache?

Jaw pain and Toothache are the most common complaints in emergency dental clinics, severe pain to pressure or sensitivity to hot or cold. The pain may be consistent or persist for longer than 15 seconds, even the stimulus factor eliminated. As the location of inflammation expands, the pain becomes more severe and intolerable. In addition, the dental pain may radiate to the other head regions like the ear, cheek, or jaw.
Signs and symptoms that may need dental emergency care:
Dental pain with chewing
Teeth sensitivity to hot
Teeth sensitivity to cold
Tooth sensitivity to sweets
Tooth sensitivity to acidic foods
Bleeding around a tooth
Gum pus discharge
Bad taste in the mouth
Bad breath
Swelling in the mouth
Sore in the mouth
Swollen glands
When to Seek an Emergency Dentist for a Toothache?

Home remedies and over-the-counter medications don't help to suppress dental pain.
Post dental extraction severe pains; this may occur after a few days (two to three days) after tooth extraction. This condition may result from the healing location clot coming out and bone exposed. The painful condition is known as dry socket syndrome or alveolar osteitis. For Dry Socket treatment, a dental emergency dentist may use some local medications to cover the bone and help the healing process.
Pain is combined with swelling of the face and gum, or any discharge around a tooth persists.
Fever associated with any dental or gum disease. Superficial dental caries does not cause fever. However, if fever persists, it may indicate an infection in the areas surrounding the tooth, the gum, or the jaw bone structures. Fever and swelling mainly indicate the existence of an abscess. Dental abscesses can be treated by prescribing antibiotics and surgical drainage of the dental abscess. If the infection happens inside the pulp of the tooth, those procedures are recommended to be done inside the tooth, which is called endodontics drainage or ROOT CANAL THERAPY.
Broken or knocked-out teeth occur from trauma; the person may need an emergency hospital transfer by calling 911 if the trauma is massive and associated with other severe problems like loss of consciousness, jaw fractures, etc. Swallowed teeth and permanent tooth loss need dental emergency interactions. Tooth loss due to trauma has a different treatment approach in younger children who have lost their primary teeth than older children and adults with injury to their permanent teeth. If a permanent tooth is entirely knocked out, try to rinse it off gently, re-implant it as soon as possible, and call emergency dental care. If getting back it in place is not possible, preserve it in milk or even water and seek a dental emergency clinic.
Pain or Clicking on the jaw when the mouth is widely open would be a sign of damaged or inflamed TMJ.
Pain and Wisdom Teeth; when wisdom teeth (third molars) are growing and coming into the oral cavity or erupting, they cause gums inflammation around the exposed portion of the crown. The gum covering the crown may get infected. The pain may radiate to the jaw, nose and ear. There may be swelling and bulging in the affected area, which may cause a jaw malfunction, and it cannot be closed properly. In severe conditions, the patient may have difficulties swallowing and get pain in the floor of the mouth.

What are the common dental emergencies?
One of the major parts is recognizing the real emergency and discriminating it from usual dental problems. Indeed, not most dental problems will be considered as an emergency. For realizing a true dental emergency, you should ask yourself the following questions:
Are you in unbearable toothache?
Have you lost a tooth?
Do you have a loose tooth?
Do you have a severe abscess or infection?
Is your mouth bleeding?
Generally, any dental issue that requires immediate treatment to save a tooth, stop bleeding and relieve the pain is evaluated in an emergency. These characteristics can spread life-threatening infections.
If you have one or more of these issues, you will probably experience a dental emergency.
Unbearable Toothache
Tooth Sensitivity
Dental Abscess
Gum Abscess
Lost Teeth
Dislodged Teeth
Knocked-out Tooth
Cracked Tooth
Broken Tooth
Loose Tooth
Chipped Tooth
Bleeding Gums
Swollen Mouth
Missing Tooth Filling
Broken Crown
Loose Crown
Broken Denture
Chipped Veneer
Unprotected Nerves and related Damages
Cold Sore
High Spot after Restoration
Food Burning
Food & Objects Lodged Between Teeth
Unbearable Toothache
Toothache is not only just a painful inconvenience but also there is a critical awareness about your mouth's health. When you experience unexplainable pain in your teeth, you should find an emergency dentist to treat the problem.
Bleeding Gums
Due to a wide range of gum irritations, most swollen gums are not a critical problem. But, non-stop bleeding with painful and swollen gums without any reasonable cause can candidate for emergency treatment. Hence, without any apparent reason, you need urgent dental care.
Swollen Mouth
If your mouth and jaw become swollen, it will be time to visit an emergency dentist for potential illnesses. Moreover, you may have a mouth infection that is involved your lymph nodes or some other characteristics that should be treated immediately.
Unprotected Nerves and related Damages
Unprotected nerves have an acute pain that only will get worse if you wait to visit your dentist. For avoiding further infections and damages or more considerable dental treatments, you need emergency dental assistance.
Lost Teeth or Dislodged Teeth
By knocking out a tooth from your mouth, you should take some actions to save your tooth. According to the American Association of Endodontists, with appropriate performance after a tooth loss, it is achievable your dentist will be able to preserve your tooth.
Missing Fillings
Another potential dental emergency can be a missing filling. Due to easily breaking or exposing nerves, you may require immediate treatments.
Broken Crown or Chipped, Cracked, and Fractured Teeth
The broken crown can expose the tooth's nerves and increase the chance of infections. Thus, a broken crown can put teeth in vulnerable situations. So, for this unfortunate issue, you should visit an emergency dentist to fix this problem to prevent teeth from potential issues such as root canals or extractions.
Abscessed Tooth
A broad range of health problems can occur with inflammations and infections in the teeth. For example, fever, permanent toothache, lymph node tenderness, and swollen face are the consequences of abscessed teeth.
This condition is considered an emergency regarding the potential infection spreads. Therefore, before visiting the dentist, you should wash your mouth with mild salt water several times to relieve the pain.
Food & Objects Lodged Between Teeth
When objects and rough foods are lodged between teeth and no proper dental tools such as brushers and flosses cannot aid the issue, you need urgent dental care to prevent your mouth's health from teeth shifting, gum irritation, tooth decay, and infections.
Broken or Loose Braces
You should push the wires into comfortable positions with soft tools such as erasers. If you cannot relocate it or accidentally trauma and mouth bleeding have occurred, you may need urgent dental care to avoid your mouth from potential infections.
Usual Dental Problems
If these problems are bearable and patients can wait until the dentist can treat them, it will not be a dental emergency. However, sometimes issues are riskier than waiting for a day, so you should care for yourself.
For instance, a fractured or cracked tooth needs immediate treatment when the cracked spots are too painful or have left sharp fragments that cause trauma, infection, and bleeding. In addition, a mild toothache can also wait for the following treatments as long as it is not severe with additional symptoms such as swelling of the face and gums and high fever.

Dental Emergencies in Hamilton
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At SPINEL DENTAL HAMILTON, we make every effort to keep our patients comfortable and free from pain. As such, we are knowing of the fact that most emergency dental concerns are sudden and unexpected. If you are not sure your dental issue is an emergency dental that needs immediate care call, text our dental office in Hamilton so we can schedule your appointment and treat the issue as soon as possible.
Our friendly staff will do their best to accommodate your schedule and will work with you in any situation to get you the necessary treatment.
How can I prevent Toothache?
A healthy diet is key. Bacteria grow well on sugar and starch. Watch your diet and be careful about the food that sticks to and between your teeth. Avoid acidic beverages and sodas, which may damage the tooth's enamel.
Regularly plan for cleaning your teeth to remove the remaining food particles. Brush and floss your teeth after eating; also, brush your gums to improve the health of your gum. Use a soft toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste. Water pick jets effectively remove trapped food particles, but flossing the teeth do highly recommended even you are using water pick jets; they make more thorough improvement when done carefully. Antiseptic mouthwashes help get rid of bacteria that cause plaque and are beneficial to preventing early gum disease.
Fluoride prevents tooth decay, especially in children. Fluoride is a natural mineral, and water supplies and vegetables are the sources of that.
Book your professional dental cleaning and scaling by an expert dental hygienist at least twice a year. It helps in preventing both decay and gum problems.
Dentist visits regularly are also necessary for checking all aspects of oral health.
Always keep your dentures or bridges clean. Even if you do not have all of your original adult teeth, it is necessary to prevent new dental issues.
Use mouth guards and headgear while playing sports.
Do not smoke.

When should I go to the hospital emergency department instead of the emergency dental clinic?
If the origin of the complaint is not purely related to dental and it is associated with any history of head and neck trauma, chest pain, breathing difficulties, heart disease, hiccups, or rashes, these symptoms indicate that the patient should visit a medical doctor or hospital's emergency room and urgent care centers as soon as possible.
High fever or chills: When the infection spreads widely, high fever, chilling may occur; in this situation, the patient may need more advanced antibiotics and sometimes require hospitalization and monitoring to control the infection.
Recent head or face injury: any sign and symptoms like headache, eyesight concerns like diplopia, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, or other sign and symptoms after an injury to the head and neck area may be a sign of more severe damages in addition to dental injury.
Any facial rash and dermatological issues associated with dental pain may need medical interactions.
Any Chest pain or palpitation combined with Jaw pain: Jaw pain sometimes refers to pain from other organs. People with heart disease, people who have had stents placed in the Heart, Diabetic patients, or those who have had open-heart surgery may experience jaw pain as a symptom of heart attack or Pectoral Angina.
If Toothache or Jaw pain is associated with any signs and symptoms like lightheadedness, sweating, or breathing difficulties, the patient needs to visit Medical Doctor or Emergency Hospital Department as soon as possible.
Excessive pain, difficulty in swallowing, or uncontrollable bleeding from the gums: Patients with a history of an immune-suppressed system, diabetes, or corticosteroid use, may be more susceptible to the spread of the infections.
In such weak immune cases, local infections are often more severe and extensive or caused by unusual organisms. As a result, dental and gum infection disease in people with those conditions may require more advanced treatment for example for the treatment of an abscess may need draining combined with IV antibiotic therapies.